Success Story: Renee no longer worries about cancer

When I started Merritt’s Transform Your Health and Hormones program, I was scared of a doctor's diagnosis of pre-cancerous cells and the plan she had outlined for me. I hoped for tangible results from a healthy way of living. During the six-month program, I went through a lot of changes in my life - I got married, I moved into a new house, I made major career strides, and I went on a two-week trip to Hawaii. Throughout that time, I stayed consistent and focused on the goals I set for myself. I benefited from increased energy that helped me tackle major career accomplishments, a healthier plan for traveling, and increased balance in my life.  

I was so happy to receive news from my medical doctor, just two weeks before I completed the program with Merritt, that my lifestyle changes worked! There was a measurable reversal of the cells that could have developed into cancerous cells. Even the doctor was thrilled and said that I should no longer need to worry about cancer. Merritt really gave me a picture of well-rounded health coaching that included even more than I expected.


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