Success Story: Taia Reversed Type 2 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with PCOS over ten years ago. Over the years my symptoms progressed, and I developed insulin resistance. I had an irregular menstrual cycle, digestive issues, a sun allergy and overall poor health. One day I had a sudden incident of diabetic ketoacidosis and discovered that I had type 2 diabetes.

Working with Merritt completely changed my life. Merritt and I immediately went to work healing my gut. She helped me identify harmful foods in my diet and I eliminated those foods. I decided to stop taking my birth control so I could see how the changes we were making impacted my menstrual cycle. I was skeptical because I hadn't had an unassisted period for over five years at that point. 

Thanks to the diet and lifestyle changes I made, I had a natural menstruation the very first month of working with Merritt! With her help I reversed type 2 diabetes and I now have a normal A1C (and it’s still getting better)!

My doctor was very supportive in working with me during this time and as a result, I'm now off all diabetic medication. I’ve also lost some weight and improved my physical fitness. In addition to these results, I now have normal digestion, my skin doesn’t overreact in the sun, and I have a routine that has helped me physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Merritt was crucial to helping me connect the dots. After years of suffering and aimless research, I found Merritt to be exactly what I needed. She was a bridge between conventional and natural healing. 

I now have a more mindful way of looking at my body and my health. I have been able to take this valuable information and run with it. It's been a total lifestyle change and I'm loving it! I have a hope that I never had before and I'm so grateful that I invested in this process.


Are your hormone imbalances linked to your gut health?


Why You Feel Stuck