Success Story: Beverly no longer has IBS flare-ups!

Merritt completely changed my life around for the better! When I first came to her, I had a laundry list of health issues – IBS, hypoglycemia, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism and pre-diabetes. I was feeling achy and was sensitive to so many foods.  I had been following the low-FODMAP diet but found it to be too difficult and confusing, with inconsistent results. I had terrible IBS flare-ups on a nearly weekly basis.

Around the time I came to see Merritt, I had just retired from a very stressful job, and that no doubt contributed to many of my ailments, but honestly, much of it was my lifestyle. I know that now. Merritt helped me take control of aspects of my health to find relief. She brings a wealth of knowledge around intestinal health. She guided me through key steps to help the healing process. I could feel an immediate improvement, but full healing doesn’t happen overnight. Our bodies are our own healers, but it takes time.

With Merritt’s support and guidance, I experimented with eliminating a few inflammatory foods from my diet and began to see how they negatively affected my gut health. Dairy, corn, and gluten especially seemed to be triggers for me before my gut was healed, but now I’m able to eat small amounts of gluten and dairy without a problem!

I was so proud of myself for giving up sugar, too, especially because I recognize now that I was addicted to it. Not only that, Merritt armed me with tools for what to do when sugar cravings strike. Now I do so much cooking at home, I eat more vegetables, and I am hydrating better. I feel great as a result!

Aside from food, I made some lifestyle changes that have also made a huge difference. I now do yoga on a regular basis and overall, more exercise! This has greatly improved my energy.

I’m the healthiest I’ve been in years – it’s pretty miraculous.

My digestion is regular for the first time in years. I feel like I have cured my IBS – no more flare-ups!  The work with Merritt completely changed my life! I’m no longer pre-diabetic and I lost 15 pounds! My clothes fit better, which makes me feel emotionally great in addition to feeling physically my best. I wake up in the morning with so much energy, excited to start my day.

There’s so much information out there when it comes to health. It’s so great to have someone who can help dial that in to something really actionable and tailored to you. I went from struggling for years to feeling so much better in a relatively short amount of time. Merritt set me up on a lifelong path to follow and I know what I have to do to stay healthy indefinitely.


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