Success Story: Meryl got pregnant after completing the HOPE for PCOS program

I cannot recommend Merritt and her program, HOPE for PCOS enough. I have struggled with PCOS and the symptoms that accompany it for the majority of my life. There were so many times that I felt hopeless in my attempts at alleviating these symptoms.

In the past, I was prescribed different medications and birth control as a fix. While these might be great solutions for some, I really felt that it wasn't getting to the root of my issues. In my search for help, I found a new doctor who really took my PCOS seriously and she encouraged me to try Merritt's program.

I was blown away by all of the incredible knowledge she provided. I was so happy to finally be able to have the right resources to practically manage my symptoms in everyday life.

I was planning my wedding when I took the course. Halfway through the program, I decided to go off of birth control and focus on healing my hormones. I had been on birth control since I was 16 years old. I figured if I wanted to start a family anytime in the future, it was time to focus on healthy habits that would prepare my body to conceive and carry a child.

I could really tell a difference after implementing the lifestyle changes Merritt outlines in the course. After trying some of the strategies, I could tell a huge difference in my blood sugar and my menstrual cycles and ovulation went back to normal. A few months after my husband and I got married, we found out we were expecting our first child. Today, we have a beautiful baby boy named Ledger and he could not be any more perfect.

I can honestly say that I believe Merritt and her program were big contributing factors in my ability to get pregnant as quickly as I did. Believe me, it is so worth it to invest in yourself, especially if you are looking to start a family. If you are living with PCOS and want more for yourself and your health, I would love to encourage you to try HOPE for PCOS. You do not have to just sit back and accept the symptoms. Not only will you have a plethora of resources, but you will also gain an amazing support system. Thank you, Merritt, for your intentionality and all` of the hard work you put into this program. 


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