Success Story: Alayne significantly improved her PCOS symptoms

I’ve had PCOS for many years and had come to accept that I may have to just live with it, but my doctor recommended I talk to Merritt about making changes in my diet and lifestyle. I had so many unpleasant symptoms and was only having 2-3 menstrual cycles a year. Additionally, my glucose levels showed I was pre-diabetic. I felt completely overwhelmed with the varying information from doctors, as well as my own research. I wasn’t sure where to start but I knew I wanted to find the source of my PCOS symptoms and fix them naturally.

From my first interaction with Merritt I knew this was going to be a challenging but rewarding journey, but that she’d go on this journey with me. The whole process from start to finish was at my pace. I was not pressured to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with. Our meetings were so laid back and Merritt let me choose what to focus on. If you’re lucky enough to work with her, you’ll know you can be 100% honest with her without fear of being judged. She is a safe zone.

The process was tough at first, but it was mostly due to my own mental blocks. I discovered a lot of the things I needed to change, particularly my dietary habits which were exacerbating my symptoms, and in turn making me miserable. When Merritt first suggested cutting back sugar from my diet, I thought she had lost her mind – it seemed impossible! Well, guess what? I cut it out and my life changed for the better! Slowly I cut out a few other foods that were problematic for me, and I started feeling even better each day. I stuck with it, which is something I have never been able to do in my life before working with her. 

I learned so much through Merritt, but the most prominent lesson was that I can do hard things. My PCOS had previously wreaked havoc on my self-worth and confidence, so I didn’t put much effort in to improving myself because “Why would I, I’ll fail regardless, nothing works.” But with her help, over time I was able to put small changes into place, stick with them, and see results unfold.

Following the plan we created together, in just six months I was able to lose 15 pounds, as well as regulate my menstrual cycle (it came back almost immediately). I went from 2-3 cycles a year to steady 28-day cycles. I lost all the mental fogginess and got an incredible boost of confidence. I’m not done with my journey; this is just the beginning for me, but I’m so excited to see where it will take me.


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